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  • Bethany Centre, Mary McKillop Precinct 4 High Street Kensington, SA 5068 Australia (map)

A reflective exploration of C.G. Jung’s approach to understanding dreams and their impact on our lives.

The dream is the small hidden door in the deepest and most intimate sanctum of the soul, which opens to that primeval cosmic night that was soul long before there was conscious ego and will be soul far beyond what a conscious ego could ever reach. Jung, CG. The Meaning of Psychology for Modern Man and Woman (1934).

We will look at the relationship between dreams and prayer through Scripture, myth, literature and dream material from clinical practice.

With Jungian Analyst/Psychologist: Dr. Susan Pollard RSJ

Registration essential – by Wednesday, 22nd of November

Enquiries: Phone: 8130 5900;  Email:

Cost: $35 or $20 pensioner/unwaged